Jan Lenica Posters

Jan Lenica, one of the greatest artists of the "Polish poster school" is recognized as the author of this term

Jan Lenica * worked in satirical cartoon drawing, illustration, graphic art and graphic design, exhibition design, scenography, posters, animated films born 4 January 1928 in Poznań, Poland - died 5 October 2001 in Berlin, Germany * studied in the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw Technical University * member of AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale) * his works are in museum collections and private collections around the world, including MoMA New York * major awards: National Exhibition of Illustration, Posters and Small Format Graphics, Warsaw, 1955, first prize; Film Poster Exhibition, Warsaw 1956, Central Film Office prize; Toulouse-Lautrec Grand Prix, Versailles 1961; International Film Poster Exhibition, Karlove Vary 1962, first and third prizes, International Poster Biennale, Warsaw 1966, Gold Medal; International Tourism Poster Exhibition, Catania, 1971, Gold Medal; Prix Jules Cheret in France 1985


100 Years of Cinema in Poland
100 lat kina w Polsce
artist: Lenica Jan
year of print: 1996
price: EUR 84
see more >


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