
Black Cat
Kobieta kot
artist: Kiwerski Jerzy
year of print: 1971
price: EUR 115
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Love & Anarchy
Milosc i anarchia
artist: Stachurski Marian
year of print: 1974
price: EUR 72
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Man in the Wilderness
Czlowiek w dziczy
artist: Bodnar Hanna
year of print: 1975
price: EUR 72
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Musical themes in paintings
Tematy muzyczne w malarstwie
artist: Mlodozeniec Jan
year of print: 1986
price: EUR 84
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Brawling in Chioggia
Awantura w Chioggi
artist: Marszalek Grzegorz
year of print: 1983
price: EUR 67
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Investigation of a Citizen Above Suspicion
Sledztwo w sprawie obywatela poza wszelkim podejrzeniem
artist: Flisak Jerzy
year of print: 1972
price: EUR 67
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The Anderson Tapes
Tasmy prawdy
artist: Mlodozeniec Jan
year of print: 1974
price: EUR 108
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International Theater Poster Competition
Internationaler Theaterplakat Wettbewerb
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1986
price: EUR 84
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Waldemar Swierzy Posters
Waldemar Swierzy. Julisteita
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1990
price: EUR 81
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Seven Freckles
Siedem piegow
artist: Zbikowski Maciej
year of print: 1978
price: EUR 62
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Murder Case Zernik
Morderca samotnych kobiet
artist: Bertrand Andrzej
year of print: 1972
price: EUR 65
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No Stars in the Jungle
Nie ma gwiazd w dzungli
artist: Bertrand Andrzej
year of print: 1969
price: EUR 79
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11th International Poster Biennale Warsaw 1986
XI Miedzynarodowe Biennale Plakatu Warszawa 1986
artist: Swierzy Waldemar
year of print: 1986
price: EUR 79
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French Culture in Polish Poster
Kultura francuska w polskim plakacie
artist: Gorowski Mieczyslaw
year of print: 1985
price: EUR 70
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Pilot Pirx's Inquest
Test pilota Pirxa
artist: Erol Jakub
year of print: 1979
price: EUR 67
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The Lion in Winter
Lew w zimie
artist: Wasilewski Mieczyslaw
year of print: 1972
price: EUR 91
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The Three Musketeers
Trzej Muszkieterowie
artist: Dudzinski Andrzej
year of print: 1975
price: EUR 62
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The Four Musketeers
Czterej muszkieterowie
artist: Dudzinski Andrzej
year of print: 1976
price: EUR 67
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Indian Summer
Pierwsza spokojna noc
artist: Wasilewski Mieczyslaw
year of print: 1974
price: EUR 115
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Poland Angler's Paradise
Polska - Raj dla wedkarzy
artist: Holdanowicz Leszek
year of print: 1981
price: EUR 108
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