Wiesław Wałkuski is active as a poster designer, illustrator and painter *
born in 1956 in Białystok *
studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw *
since 1981 cooperate with publishing houses, theatres, and film distributors *
lives and works in Warsaw *
major awards: the Gold Plaque for the best poster at the International Film Festival in Chicago, 1986; 2nd prize at the International Biennale of Poster in Mexico, 1990; Silver Medal at the International Exhibition of the Art Directors Club in New York, 1992; 3rd prize at the International Theatre Poster Biennale In Rzeszów, 1993; 3rd prize at the Inernational Theatre Poster Competition in Osnabruck, Germany, 1997; Grand Prix at the Polish Poster Biennial in Katowice 1997 and 2nd prize in 2001
* fot. D. Zgutka, 2001
The 10 th Bydgoszcz Opera Festival Bydgoski Festiwal Operowy, X artist: Walkuski Wieslaw year of print: 2003 price: EUR 43 see more >
The White Marriage Białe małżeństwo artist: Walkuski Wieslaw year of print: 2003 price: EUR 43 see more >
Drugs Take Life Away Narkotyki zabierają życie artist: Walkuski Wieslaw year of print: 2002 price: EUR 23 see more >