She Does Not Drink, Smoke or Flirt But... She Talks . Gorka Wiktor . film movie poster . year 1971

PL/orig. titleNie pije, nie pali, nie podrywa, ale...
Eng/orig. titleShe Does Not Drink, Smoke or Flirt But... She Talks
title (fr)Elle boit pas, elle fume pas, elle drague pas, mais... elle cause!
poster designerGorka Wiktor
sizeA1 (ca. 84x59 cm)
year of print1971
categoryfilm movie poster
film nationalityFrance
directorAudiard Michel
actorsAnnie Girardot, Bernard Blier, Jean Le Poulain, Mireille Darc
poster idgorka_wiktor_nie_pije_nie_pali
#erotica, #comic

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