Original film posters of the world-famous Polish School of Posters.
Film country: Poland . USA . France . Great Britain . Italy . Russia . Germany . Japan . Czechoslovakia . World Cinema . Events . Western . Fellini . Greenaway . Kieslowski . Polanski . Wajda . Zanussi .
Ga-ga: Glory to the Heroes Ga, Ga - Chwała bohaterom artist: Pagowski Andrzej year of print: 1984 price: EUR 84 see more >
Before the Day Breaks Zanim nadejdzie dzień artist: Czerniawski Jerzy year of print: 1976 price: EUR 43 see more >
Nobody's Fault Nikt nie jest winien artist: Wasilewski Mieczyslaw year of print: 1988 price: EUR 67 see more >
Provincial Actors Aktorzy Prowincjonalni artist: Pagowski Andrzej year of print: 1979 price: EUR 60 see more >
The Ring with a Crowned Eagle Pierścionek z orłem w koronie artist: Pagowski Andrzej year of print: 1992 see more >
The Family Life Życie rodzinne artist: Starowieyski Franciszek year of print: 1971 price: EUR 227 see more >
Intricacies of Feelings Zawiłość uczuć artist: Czerniawski Jerzy year of print: 1976 price: EUR 84 see more >
Midst Quiet Night - Polish Christmas Carol Wśród nocnej ciszy artist: Czerniawski Jerzy year of print: 1978 price: EUR 84 see more >
It's Spring, Sergeant Wiosna panie sierżancie artist: Mlodozeniec Jan year of print: 1974 price: EUR 91 see more >
The Faithful River Wierna rzeka artist: Sadowski Wiktor year of print: 1987 price: EUR 67 see more >
After Your Decrees Wedle wyroków twoich artist: Pagowski Andrzej year of print: 1984 price: EUR 67 see more >